Masami Mitsuoka ! A singer from japan

Masami Mitsuoka (光岡昌美 Mitsuoka Masami) (born August 14, 1986 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese singer. She started off singing J-Pop, but switched to the J-technopop genre with the release of "Robotics" on October 28, 2009, under her new stage name Mizca.

Birthdate: 1986/08/14
Birthplace: Aichi
Blood Type: B
Height: 152cm
Shoe size: 22.5cm
Hobbies: Watching movies
Talents: Nail art, writing poetry

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Masami Mitsuoka ! A singer from japan
Masami Mitsuoka ! A  singer from japan
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Rating : 4.5