Huynh Tien looks lovely in yellow shirt

Huynh Tien is one of the most popular teen model in Vietnam. She's not yet 16 years old but owns a height of 1m82.

Huynh Tien Profile:
Fullname: Pham Huynh Thuy Tien (Phạm Huỳnh Thủy Tiên)
Birth: 9/8/1995
Height: 182cm
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, music, shopping.
Profession: Student, model.

If you like Huynh Tien, you can find more her beautiful photos in our blog tag Huynh Tien. Enjoy guys!

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Huynh Tien looks lovely in yellow shirt
Huynh Tien looks lovely in yellow shirt
Reviewed by Unknown
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Rating : 4.5